Aug 18, 2011

MBC News: 8-18-11

Apologies for looking so gray but the interweb was playing up and I after several attempts to rez, this was the best we could get to in the time we had. So, the wonderful gray look is NOT a fashion statement but a wonderful example of how Second Life can be less than perfect. And be sure to watch PAST the end of the news for Rob's little "easter egg!"

Syria is still in turmoil whereas Morocco is about to go to the polls. Launch magazine suggests Linden Lab makes $100 million per year. eMarketer suggests virtual goods sales could reach $653 million this year. Rovio, the makers of Angry Birds, may increase its value to $1.2 billion following talks with an unnamed investor.

Mal and the team talk about the SLCC 2011 conference and Edi dishes out the details on what's happening in Second Life.

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