Dec 11, 2008

Tammy's Jazz Club in The Metaverse Tribune

My latest review of Tammy's Jazz Club has just been published in The Metaverse Tribune. Tammy's is my current favorite hang out, even when it is empty. When I'm working on an article in-world, I like to park myself by a bar where there is music and then use IM to gather my data. If need be, I'll TP the interviewee over for a face-to-face meeting but for most of the time, it's sufficient to sit and chat.

I sometimes refer to myself as a journalist, sometimes as a writer, but I actually think I prefer to be a hack. And by "hack," I prefer the modern, self-deprecating definition typified by the "hacks" and "hackettes" of Private Eye, one of my favorite rags.

There's a certain romance in propping up a bar with a whiskey in hand. I've even toyed with the idea of wearing a trilby with a "press" card stuck in the band. But it's remained at the toying phase.

So take a look at the article and maybe even take a trip to Tammy's. Hey, you might even find me there and you can buy me a drink.

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