Mar 27, 2008

The Pub With No Beer

My friend Merry Felwitch has been bitten by the pub bug. Not the loud, brash, stripper-infested, pick-up dive with more tip jars than room to dance and a crushing throng of sweaty avatars "arooga-ing" and "whoot-ing" as DJ Whothehellcares gives another shout out to the last fool to drop him a few lindens, but a cross between a Middle Ages tavern and a Victorian watering hole. And L$10 for anyone who can parse that last sentence.

The pub is, I believe, being built around a sign. Sardonicus Hax created a pub sign for Merry called The Merry Inn, and such a charming and welcoming sign deserves to have a pub attached to it. So aided and hindered by myself and the intriguing Mony Markova, Merry spent a fair chunk of time having stuff rezzed, derezzed, manipulated, and destroyed. That destruction included parts of the house, but then if you have Mony with you, that sort of thing isn't uncommon.

Still, we managed somehow to deal with fixing the crooked bar, the wonky jukebox, the dance table (I said no strippers but you have to have a least ONE table for folks to strut their funky stuff on) and leave the place still standing without setting off the sprinkler system.

Keep an eye out for the official opening to the SL public. Soon?

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