Aug 14, 2008

California Farewell

Whenever I visit California I find it hard to leave. It is odd but every time I deplane at LAX, I feel like I am "home" in some strange way. That may be why leaving is so depressing.

We had breakfast by the inner courtyard and took our time checking out. I was in no hurry to go but a 3:30 pm flight meant we had to leave just after midday - checkout time. Before leaving, we toured the Inn for a while, wandering through low corridors and walking along balconies. We saw the St. Francis chapel and also took a look at the small museum.

The trip to the airport was uneventful, as was the flight. On the upside, it was warm in Cleveland and we were able to drive back home with the windows down, arriving just around midnight to find the house intact.

It was a wonderful vacation. I actually rested and did no work. None. I dread the thought of going back on Monday to a pile of requests and demands. But that's the price you pay for taking time off. And as ever, my Californian sojourn was all too short.

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